Get tickets to our virtual Canada-wide Slam!


Get tickets to our virtual Canada-wide Slam! 〰️

Canada’s most epic science showdown

What is a science slam?

Based on the format of a poetry slam, a science slam is a competition where presenters gather to share their science. They have five minutes to present on any science topic without the use of a slideshow and are judged based on communication skills, audience impact, and scientific content. Props and creativity are encouraged!

our mission

We connect communities and promote civic science literacy and engagement through fun and informative Science Slams.

Slams & #Scicomm

We host both in-person Slams and Canada-wide virtual Slams several times a year. Click below to find a Slam happening near you!

Have an event and want to host a Science Slam or a science communication workshop?
We’d love to help out!